Imagine the situation that someone types a bad comment on your post on facebook. How do you feel? And, What do you want to talk to them? Would you like to update more on social media after that? Also, a similar question for another circumstance is that there are suddenly lots of compliments or likes for your photos. Is it different here? What makes you think about much more? Compliments, bad comments or both?
Personally, both are necessary. There is nothing to discuss with beautiful words. They certainly make us happy and satisfy. We just fall in terrible feelings when we have to deal with the appearance of enormous blasphemies. After reading throughout them, there would be a change inside our minds. We may feel regret posting your photos or private information for instance. In my case, I also wished that I hadn't had any social media accounts, I even deleted my facebook accounts after three years playing. Luckily, my mind had changed, I activated my account for a few days later.
The reason leads us to this thought and action is due to social prejudices. Since others are not interested in our posts, we regret our choice. Everything is sure to have two faces. Social media is not an exception. It has a huge influence on us both positive and negative way. Too many opposite points of view cause stress for us. And, so many compliments would easily make us become arrogant. One common question: "I love sharing and how could I stop others hating me or describing me as a false display?"
It used to be my most difficult question too. However, I naturally found out the answer when I asked myself another question: "What is the purpose of my actions? Because of anyone else or because of myself?" Please, stop reading and think about that for a while!
I am glad due to your continue reading. I guess you certainly have your own correct answer for yourself. And I hope that your choice is because of you, not others! Believe in you and be consistent! The truth is that people usually have a trend to do what they don't like for somebody else. Do you belong to that group? I used to be the same until I wonder why am I so lonely? And why no one could understand me? Although my tolerance is good, I would like to change my case. I love communicating with people more than crying alone. The progress to change my thoughts start with small steps below:
I share the way I overcome my issue with my friends instead of complaining about them.
I always buy whatever I love to others, not things I hate.
My first priority is my plan and my dream, not others.
Whenever I hesitate to do something due to the fear of discussion, there are questions I've learned by heart: Why am I scared? How do my actions affect anyone else? Positive or Negative? If it is positive, I will continue doing my intention. In contrast, I would stop it.
One truth is that strangers do not have too much time to pay attention to your private life or try to deeply understand your thoughts and your feelings, apart from you are a famous star. That's why people often feel alone. Because they have so many fears, especially fear of being judged. Neither false display nor concealment is good. If sharing something is your hobby, what you do is share whatever you like as long as it's not illegal. People loved by others are those who usually share their stories and listen to others.
We've not been in the Industrial Age anymore. The sharp development of the Internet requires us to be familiar with different changes. If you don't share, you have to admit that no one will understand you and besides you. Just remember: